Canadian Federalist Party
CFP Constitution Articles
1. CFP Body Constituted 8. CFP Constituency Associations 15. CFP Amendments
2. CFP Constitution Scope 9. CFP Candidates 16. CFP Legal Framework
3. CFP Basis of Unity of Spirit 10. CFP Leadership 17. CFP Offices
4. CFP Purpose & Mission 11. CFP Interim Leadership 18. CFP National Policies
5. CFP Party Principles 12. CFP Leadership Elections 19. CFP Notices
6. CFP Accountability 13. CFP National Convention 20. CFP Provincial Parties
7. CFP Composition 14. CFP National Executive Council 21. CFP Dissolution or Merger


20.1 The CFP will establish Provincial Parties at the request of the membership.

20.2 The CFP Provincial Parties will be under the jurisdiction of the CFP national party and thus adopt policies that serve our nation's national interests as well as provincial interests and priorities.

20.3 The CFP Provincial Parties shall respect the Heritage of the Canadian Constitution and will work to update the Canadian Constitutional powers and authorities of the provinces in order to create more inter-provincial and inter-governmental harmony and distribute the wealth from our natural resources to the benefit of all Canadians.